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Our Magnificent Journey
Chapter 15
Cuba and Florida
Classic American car in Havana
Day Minus 1

With impeccable timing I have managed to come down with a nasty urinary tract infection and acute prostatitis less than twenty-four hours prior to our scheduled departure to Miami in preparation for our upcoming tour of Cuba.


After convulsing in bed for a few hours, Carol dragged me to Urgent Care where I received an antibiotic shot in my butt and prescriptions for Bactrim and Flomax.


Back home with a fever of 102.2, I dosed myself with the prescriptions and we prayed that within the next fifteen hours I would feel well enough to make this much-anticipated trip.


Frustratingly, my fever would not abate and we had to make a decision to go / not go soon.  Our flight to Miami departs Tucson at 10AM on Friday. We went to sleep with our fingers and toes crossed.


Next Day

Day11 Miami-Key West Day12 Key West
Day13 Key West-Miami Day14 Miami (South Beach)
 copyright 1998 / david and carol lehrman / all rights reserved
email david@davidandcarol.com