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Our Magnificent Journey
Chapter 11
England / Scotland / Ireland


On the coast of Ireland  
Day 16
Dingle (An Daingean)

Slept well, jumped out of bed at 8 am, showered, dressed and enjoyed another of Michael and Barbara’s delicious breakfasts at the Milestone House B&B.


Visited with Barbara for a while, then drove to the Gallarus Oratory, an early Christian church from the 7 th century AD. Also explored a nearby ancient church called Kilmalkedar. We managed to get lost (one of our favorite things to do when traveling) but eventually found ourselves at a small seaside village called Ballydavid.

Gallarus Oratory
Contented ram
Typical narrow Irish road

Next we drove back into Dingle and bought tickets for Fungie the Dolphin boat. We did spy the elusive Fungie. The weather changes from minute-to-minute, and we enjoyed watching the sun play across the cow- and sheep-studded meadows. The fields seem to be a million different shades of green.

Interesting sign we came across at a store in Dingle
The Fungie boat
We past these folks on the way to see Fungie
Carol and David on the Fungie boat
Carol and Fungie

After the one-hour boat ride we chose Murphy’s pub for a lunch of seafood chowder and Guinness. Then up the hill to the B&B for a short nap and to freshen up. We have made arrangements to meet our new friends Mandy and John for dinner, so at 6:45 we drove into Dingle and met them near St. James Church. We selected a restaurant called Global Village and proceeded to enjoy a couple of entertaining and delicious hours as we got to know our new friends better.


At 9:30 pm we had to say goodnight since we plan to get an early start for the long drive to Kenmare. Mandy and John are also driving there late in the day so we made plans to meet up with them again.


Back at the B&B by 10 pm, we quickly fell into bed after yet another terrific day of exploration and discovery.


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